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Alternation 31,2b (2024) Ukuthuthukiswa kwezilimi zase-Afrika Ezikhungweni Zemfundo Ephakeme njengesu lokukhuculula insila yobuKoloni kanye nokuletha izinguquko
Intellectualisation of African Languages in Higher Education Institutions as a Strategy for Decolonisation and Transformation

Alternation 31,2b (2024) Ukuthuthukiswa kwezilimi zase-Afrika Ezikhungweni Zemfundo Ephakeme njengesu lokukhuculula insila yobuKoloni kanye nokuletha izinguquko
Intellectualisation of African Languages in Higher Education Institutions as a Strategy for Decolonisation and Transformation


Ubuchwepheshe Kwezolimi, Ukwakhiwa Kwamatemu kanye Nokusetshenziswa KwesiZulu Ebuchwephesheni Bezokwazisa Nokuxhumana
Human Language Technologies, Terminology and the Usage of isiZulu in ICT

Izinkundla Zokuxhumana, Isichazamazwi SesiZulu kanye Nezinqolobanemininingo Ezimbili zaseNingizimu Afrika
Social Media, the IsiZulu Dictionary and Two SA Databases
IsiZulu Ngeso Lomphakathi: Ubuholi, Izindaba, Ukufunda Ngezithombezwi Nobuciko Bomlomo
IsiZulu in the Public Sphere: Leadership, Stories, Photovoice Research and Traditional Literature

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