- Rembrandt Klopper, Preface | PDF
- Johannes A. Smit, Introduction | PDF
- Johannes A. Smit, "Why is There Something and not Nothing?" | PDF
- Roger Lass, Genetic Metaphor in Historical Linguistics | PDF
- Gary B. Palmer, Cultural Linguistics and Shona Noun Classifiers | PDF
- Ronald Miller, To Be is an Answer; Not to Be is the Question: Action, Understanding, and Human Mediation | PDF
- Andrew Dellis and David Spurrett, Real Patterns and Distributed Cognition | PDF
- Grant Blair and Stephen Cowley, Language in Iterating Activity: Microcognition Re-membered | PDF
- Gary Mersham and Gavin Baker, A Communication Model for Industrial Theatre as a Negotiated Dramaturgy | PDF
- Simon Beck, Cognition, Persons, Identity | PDF
- Jacek Brzozowski, Anthropocentric Chauvinism | PDF
- Marie Spruyt, No Time Like the Present: A Cognitive Approach to Time Differentiation in Discourse | PDF
- James B. Schreiber and Michael Verdi, Dual Coding and Conjoint Retention: Past, Present, and Future | PDF
- Michael Mark Pitman, Consciousness Studies: Research Prospects in the "Cradle of Human Consciousness" | PDF
- David Spurrett, Why Think that Cognition is Distributed? | PDF
- Catherine Addison, The Contemporary Verse Novel: An Explosion of Poetic Narrative | PDF
- Vikram Seth: The Golden Gate; Bernadine Evaristo: Lara; Fred D'Aguiar: Bloodlines; Michael Cawood Green: Sinking; Derek Walcott: Omeros; Bernadine Evaristo: The Emperor's Babe; George Elliott Clarke: Whylah Falls | PDF
- Malini Ramsay-Brijball, Language in South Africa: A Sociolinguistic Perspective; Rajend Meshtrie: Language in South Africa | PDF
- Fred van Staden, Mthembu and Naidoo's (2002) Position Paper on Post Secondary Education Research Evaluation in South Africa: A Rejoinder | PDF
- David L. Szanton, Changing Places: The Politics of International Academic Exchanges | PDF
Click here to read the full issue